Join Us

Schools and academies yet to join a multi-academy trust are doubtless aware of the government’s drive for all schools to be part of a ‘family’ within a strong multi-academy trust. 


The global pandemic demonstrated the value of being part of a wider group, able to share good practice and offer mutual support.  Whilst this is possible through informal links, there are real advantages to schools with similar values and contexts being able to work together closely in a more formalised way. 


Tees Valley Collaborative Trust represents a wholly different proposition to many multi-academy trusts.  We are an all-through provision with expertise ranging from 3 months to adult education and all points in between.  We are completely committed to providing an inclusive education where all learners thrive and achieve.  We have expertise in SEND and Alternative Provision, working with over 120 pupils with EHCPs across a range of settings. 


We work closely with several Local Authorities and very much value our links with them. 


Our academies retain distinct identities one from another and our Academy Head Teachers are experts in their field with a good level of autonomy in their settings.  The Trust provides the benefit of a range of services delivered from our Central Team so that you can concentrate on the business of educating children and young people.  The Trust provides capacity to add value in a range of ways, but this is done at the request and agreement of the Head Teacher rather than being imposed from afar!


For more information about joining our Trust please contact Nicola Pemberton, Executive Secretary to CEO on 01287 280800