
Prior Pursglove and Stockton Sixth Form College

We are an open access, inclusive college with an offer to suit all abilities. You can apply to study at either our Guisborough or Stockton sites online via the college website ( You will be invited to an interview where we will discuss the most appropriate programme for you. All applications are treated equally irrespective of the school where you are enrolled. You can find out more about the courses and subjects available at our Open events (dates for this year on both sites).

Errington Primary School

Errington Primary School follows the admission procedures of Redcar and Cleveland Council.

To enquire about the application process or the availability of places at particular schools please contact the Admissions Team (01642 837740/837730) or email: The School Choice Adviser can provide independent advice about choosing a school (01642 759074).

For further information please visit Errington School website.


Bishopton Pupil Referral Unit

Bishopton Pupil Referral Unit admissions are taken from Stockton Local Authority Exclusions Officer/Inclusion Officer.

If you require any further information please contact Mrs Laura Hall, on 01642 566 369  or visit Bishopton Pupil Referral Unit website.
Please use the link to obtain a copy of our school Referral form